Thursday, January 2, 2025

Who's Who: Early Islamic Era: 1

Women Section: 

 W-1) YT: নারী হয়েও রাসুলের পরিবারে আর্থিক সচ্ছলতায় একক অবদান খাদিজার (রা.) | Khadija bint Khuwailid | পর্ব:৩৪

W-2) Umm Hakim (Arabic: أم حكيم‎) 

(died after 634), was a female Sahaba. She was daughter of Harith al Makhzumi (ibn Hisham ibn Mughirah ibn Abdallah ibn Umar ibn Makhzum). She was wife of Ikrimah ibn Abu Jahl, who was killed in the Battle of Yarmouk in 634 CE.
Later in 634 CE she was married to Abu Said Khalid ibn Said ibn As ibn Umaiyah on the evening preceding Battle of Marj al-Saffar, Abu Said was killed in the battle.
Later she was married to Umar, from him she had a daughter named Fatimah. 
W-3) Fatima bint Al-Aswad was a companion of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. She is notable for being the first Muslim to undergo the hudud penalty for theft.[1][2][3] ... .... In March 624 Al-Aswad ibn Abdulasad fought on the side of the pagans at the Battle of Badr. He was killed there by Muhammad's uncle Hamza.[7] 
W-4) Umm Habibah said, “I saw my husband in a worst figure in my dream and I was frightened. When I woke up in the morning I found out that he had become a Christian. I informed him of the dream and he disregarded it and became addicted to alcohol until he died.” ....
Many years passed as she coped with loss and struggled to survive. Until she had another dream. But this dream was different than the one she had about her late husband, ‘Ubaydullah. It was a joyful dream in which someone called her, “Mother of the Believers”, a title reserved only for the wives of the Prophet (PBUH). 
W-5) Umm Salama
A) Hind bint Abi Umayya (Arabic: هِنْد ابِنْت أَبِي أُمَيَّة, Hind ʾibnat ʾAbī ʾUmayya, c. 580 or 596 – 680 or 683),[1][2] better known as Umm Salamah (Arabic: أُمّ سَلَمَة) or Hind al-Makhzūmiyya (Arabic: هِنْد ٱلْمَخْزُومِيَّة) was the sixth wife of Muhammad.
B) The verse of purification (33:33) in the Qur'an was revealed to Muhammad in her house.[8][22][23]   
C) Umm Salama herself narrated 378 Hadith, among them being some of the most important. She was the last of the wives of Muhammad to pass away.[24] 
হিন্দ বিনতে উতবা (আরবি: هند بنت عتبة‎‎) ছিলেন উতবাহ ইবনে আবি রাবিআহ'র কন্যা এবং আবু সুফিয়ান এর স্ত্রী।
how the early Muslim women, including Hind bint Utbah and Asma bint Abi Bakr,[28] were instrumental in the Battle of Yarmouk. 

Section: Different Clans 

Clan-1) The Banu Umayya
(Arabic: بَنُو أُمَيَّةَ‎, romanized: Banū Umayya, lit. 'Sons of Umayya') or Umayyads (الأمويون), were the ruling family of the Islamic caliphate between 661 and 750 and later of Islamic Spain between 756 and 1031. 
Clan-2) Banu Sahm

The issue of succession between Qusayy's natural successor, 'Abd al-Dar, and his chosen successor, 'Abd Manaf, led to the division of Quraysh into two factions; those who backed the 'Abd al-Dar clan, including the clans of Banu Sahm, Banu 'Adi, Banu Makhzum and Banu Jumah, became known as al-Aḥlāf (the Confederates), while those who backed the 'Abd Manaf clan, including the Banu Taym, Banu Asad, Banu Zuhra and Banu al-Harith ibn Fihr, were known as al-Muṭayyabūn .  

Clan-3) The Banu Makhzum  

(Arabic: بنو مخزوم, romanized: Banū Makhzūm) was one of the wealthy clans of the Quraysh. They are regarded as being among the three most powerful and influential clans in Mecca before the advent of Islam, the other two being the Banu Hashim (the tribe of the Islamic prophet Muhammad) and the Banu Umayya.[1][2][3] 

Clan-4) Banu Abd-Shams ..

The clan names itself after Abd Shams ibn Abd Manaf, the son of Abd Manaf ibn Qusai and brother of Hashim ibn 'Abd Manaf, who was the great-grandfather of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.[1] He married Layla bint Asad ibn Abdal-Uzza, she bore four sons, Habib, Rabi'a, Abd Al-Uzza, Umayya and one daughter, Ruqayyah.


001. উসমান ইবন আফফান
ইসলাম গ্রহণের পর মুহাম্মদ (সা.) তার কন্যা রুকাইয়্যার সাথে তার বিয়ে দেন। হিজরি দ্বিতীয় সনে বদর যুদ্ধের পরপর মদিনায় রুকাইয়্যা মারা যায়। এরপর নবী তার দ্বিতীয় কন্যা উম্মু কুলসুমের সাথে তার বিয়ে দেন। ...  উসমান কুরাইশ বংশের অন্যতম বিখ্যাত কোষ্ঠীবিদ্যা বিশারদ ছিলেন। Link 

Abu Umayya was the chief of Mecca at the time when the Kaaba was rebuilt  in 605. He was an uncle of  Khalid ibn al-Walid.
003. Utbah ibn Rabi'ah
He is the father of Abu Hudhayfa ibn 'Utba, Walid ibn Utbah, Hind bint Utbah and father-in-law of Abu Sufyan ibn Harb.
PDF ... 
Utbah offered to pay for Prophet Muhammad'sصلى الله عليه وسلمhealing expenses if all this was a result of a psychological condition. After politely listening to his offers, Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم replied by reciting the Quran, starting with Sura Al Fussilat until he reached Sura Al Sajida. Utbah was stunned by the recitation,

Abu Sufyan's given name was Sakhr and he was born in c. 565 to father Harb ibn Umayya, a leader of the Quraysh tribe of Mecca,[1] and mother Safiyya bint Hazn ibn Bujayr. --- Wiki
আবু সুফিয়ান ইবনে হারব ছিলেন মক্কার কুরাইশ বংশের বনু আবদে শামস গোত্রের প্রধান নেতা। আবু সুফিয়ান ৬৫০ সালে মদিনায় মৃত্যুবরণ করেন। তার জ্ঞাতিভাই উসমান ইবনে আফফান আবু সুফিয়ানের জানাজা পড়ান।
008. Khalid ibn Sa'id ... 
In 633 CE he was appointed commander of Syrian campaign by Abu Bakr.[4] In 634 CE he was married to Umm Hakim on the evening preceding battle of Marj al-Saffar, he was killed in the battle
 was the chief of the Banu Makhzum clan of the Quraysh tribe. His clan was responsible for warfare related matters. His son was Khalid ibn al-Walid .
Walīd ibn al-Mughīra was one of the Quraysh leaders who were indirectly mentioned in several verses of Qur'an. He was one of the five principal offenders of Muhammad, the others being al-Aswad ibn al-Muṭṭalib ibn Asad, al-Aswad ibn ‘Abdu Yaghūth, al-‘Āṣ ibn Wā’il ibn Hishām and al-Ḥārith ibn al-Ṭulāṭila (from Banu Khuzā‘a).
মুশরিক ওয়ালিদ ইবনে মুগীরা রাসূলে পাক সাল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহে ওয়া সাল্লাম কে মাজনুন তথা উম্মাদ বলতো । 
ওয়ালিদ ইবনে মুগীরা ছিল আরবের শ্রেষ্ঠ সাহিত্য সমালোচক।
ওয়ালিদ ইবনে মুগীরা আত্মহারা হয়ে বলে উঠল 
আবু জেহেল ছাড়বার পাত্র নয়। সে ওয়ালিদকে বলল, ‘যতক্ষণ তুমি মুহাম্মদ সম্পর্কে কিছু না বলছ, ততক্ষণ পর্যন্ত কওমের লোকেরা তোমার প্রতি খুশি হবে না।’

 010.  Khalid ibn al-Walid ibn al-Mughira  ibn ‘Abd Allāh ibn ‘Umar ibn Makhzūm.
Khalid is generally considered by historians to be one of early Islam's most seasoned and accomplished generals and he is commemorated throughout the Arab world until the present day. 

নবী মুহাম্মদ সাঃ  এর একজন প্রখ্যাত সাহাবা ছিলেন। তিনি খালিদ বিন ওয়ালিদের বৈমাত্রেয় ভাই ছিলেন।

(Arabic: حارث بن عبد المطلب‎) was one of the uncles of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. 

013. Ubaydah ibn al-Harith (Arabic: عبيدة بن الحارث‎) (c.562-624) was a cousin[1] and a companion of Prophet Muhammad.  

013. Harb ibn Umayya: He and Alqama ibn Safwan are said to have been killed by jinns. 

014. During the lifetime of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, a number of his close companions were Kalb tribesmen, such as Zayd ibn Harithah and Dihya al-Kalbi, but the bulk of the tribe remained Christian at the time of Muhammad's death in 632. .... The Kalb formed political and marital ties with the Umayyad family, and were the main source of military and political power during the reigns of the Umayyad caliphs Mu'awiya IYazid IMu'awiya II and Marwan I.

"He showed hatred toward the Prophet for twenty years, never remaining behind when the Quraysh set out to fight Muhammad."[2] He fought at the Battle of Badr on the side of the polytheists. He was one of the first to arrive back in Mecca with the news of their defeat. As he told his uncle, Abu Lahab: "As soon as we met the party we turned our backs and they were killing and capturing us just as they pleased; and by God I don't blame the people for that. We met men in white on piebald horses between heaven and earth, and, by Allah, they spared nothing, and none could withstand them." ... On the eve of the Conquest of Mecca in 630, Abu Sufyan decided to become a Muslim.  

016. Marwan I  (623 or 626 – April/May 685) was the fourth Umayyad caliph, ruling for less than a year in 684–685. 

017. Ziyad ibn Abi Sufyan died near Kufa in 673, but his sons Ubayd Allah, Abd al-Rahman, Salm, Abbad and Yazid went on to hold posts as governors or deputy governors of Iraq, Khurasan and Sijistan. 


019.  আবু জাহেল ও খালেদ বিন ওয়ালিদ একে অপরের চাচাত ভাই।  
আবু জাহেলের আসল নাম  Amr ibn Hishām , তার পিতা Hisham ibn al-Mughirah এবং খালেদের পিতা  Walid ibn al-Mughira 

020)  আবু জাহেলের ভাই Umar Ibn Abi Rabi'ah was characterised by the biographer Ibn Khallikan as 'the best poet ever produced by the tribe of Koraish' 

021) Hakīm ibn Hizām was a companion of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and a nephew of Khadija.

A) Amr ibn Hisham (Arabic: عَمْرو بن هِشَام, romanized: ʿAmr ibn Hishām), better known as Abū Jahl (Arabic: أبو جهل, lit. 'Father of ignorance';[1] c. 570 – 13 March 624) was the Meccan Qurayshi polytheist leader of the Mushrikites known for his opposition to the Islamic prophet Muhammad. 
B)  Even at the age of thirty, he used to attend the special assemblies held at Dār’ an-Nadwa, the residence owned by Ḥakīm ibn Ḥizām, although the rule of age of entry to these private assemblies was at least forty. 
C)  He persecuted many Muslim converts, including Sumayya, and Yasir ibn Amir. His cruel torture methods towards Muslims made Muhammad give him the title Abu Jahl ('Father of Ignorance') and Firawn al-Umma ('Pharaoh of the nation'). 
D) In the battle of Badr, Amr was fatally wounded by Mu'awwidh ibn Amr and Mu'ādh ibn 'Amr and eventually killed by Abd Allah ibn Masud. 
E) Hisham was known as the 'lord of Mecca' and the date of his death was used by the Quraysh as the start of their calendar.[4] Amr was also called Ibn al-Hanzaliyya, indicating that his mother belonged to the Hanzala tribe.[5]


024)  Abu Hudhayfa ibn 'Utba ...
Abū Ḥudhayfa ibn ʿUtba (Arabic: أبو حذيفة بن عتبة; died 633), full name Abū Ḥudhayfa ibn ʿUtba ibn Rabīʿa was an early companion of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. He was the son of Utba ibn Rabi'a, one of the Leaders of Banu Abd Shams. He was the brother of Walid ibn Utba and Hind bint Utba, the wife of Abu Sufyan ibn Harb. .... Link 
PDF .... Abu Hudhaifa’s mother was divorced from Utbah, accepted Islam, and later made the hijrah
to Abyssinia. His sister was Hind bint Utbah, wife of Abu Sufyan, who ordered the murder
of Hamza at the Battle of Badr. His father-in-law was Sohaib ibn Amr. His wife was Sahla
bint Sohaib. 
Shaybah ibn Rabīʿah (Arabic: شيبة بن ربيعة) (c.560–624) was the brother of Utbah ibn Rabi'ah belonging to the clan of Banu Abd Shams (parent clan of Banu Umayyah) from the tribe of Quraysh of Mecca. ...
Shayba married twice. First, he married with Fa'ra bint Harb ibn Umayya, Abū Ṣufyān ibn Ḥarb's sister. By her, he had children named Asim, Zaynab, and Ubayd-Allah. Second, he married with Umm Sharak (Safiyya) bint Waqdan from Banu Amir ibn Luayy. By her, he had children named Ramla, Fatima, and Aisha, who all would eventually become Muslim. Shayba remained pagan until his death at Badr. 
26) Historical records and family trees related to Rabi'ah Ibn Abd Shams. 

001. আল্লামা আহমদ ইবন ইয়াহইয়া বালাযুরী (র.) ... Book: ফুতূহুল বুলদান.
002. Abu al-Hasan Ali Ibn Ibrāhim al-Qummi was a 10th century Shi'a commentator and jurist of Persian[1] origin. .... // THE BEGINNING OF HIS CALL : Ali ibn Ibrãhim [al-Qummi], who is one of our most respected traditionists, ..... Many traditions in the famous book Al-Kafi were transmitted by him. // Tafsir Qomi or Tafsir Al-Qummi is an exegesis on the Quran by Ali Ibn Ibrahim Qomi. //
003. The Umayyads' principal Syrian allies, the Banu Kalb, had sought to maintain Umayyad rule and nominated Mu'awiya II's half-brother Khalid as caliph.[16] However, the other pro-Umayyad Syrian tribes viewed Khalid as too young and inexperienced, and rallied around Marwan, who was ultimately chosen as caliph. ... Link 

004. Al-Farazdaq is recognized as one of the greatest classical poets of the Arabs.

According to a Muslim tradition, the five mockers [of Holy Prophet PBUH] suffered divine vengeance.

বদর যুদ্ধের পূর্বে হযরত রাসূলে কারীম আইয়াশ ইবন রাবীয়াসালামা ইবন হিশামহিশাম ইবন আস প্রমূখের মুক্তির জন্য আল্লাহর দরবারে দু’আ করতেন। [হায়াতুস সাহাবা-৩/৩৪৮]। ... Link


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